Content still reigns, but managing it properly has rules of its own. Here are some content best practices for a world with so much content.
A map of the internet. It’s no coincidence that it looks like an explosion of content. Courtesy Steve Jurvetson Flickr.
The adage “content is king” has ruled the internet since it was proclaimed by Bill Gates in 1996. The maxim has only been reinforced over the years: a picture’s worth a thousand words, but a GIF is worth a thousand shares.
One of the first steps in a business’s website development is to add content to drive inbound traffic. There is one twist to it: this content now needs to be optimized in order to rank on the best search engine pages. To put it simply, the content now needs to be approved by SEO agencies as well. Gradually, the norm for content marketing has become simply “more”, a little of everything to appeal to everyone.
The internet’s leader in viral content, BuzzFeed, has shareability that every business would kill for. However, BuzzFeed also provides an object lesson in how the desire to go viral has led to the glut of content we see today. The best example is the Demolisticle, a portmanteau of “demographic” and “listicle,” those hyper-targeted lists meant to be shared amongst one group. Think of those lists that only appeal to one specific constituency: “16 things only grad students at Rutgers University will get,” or “21 signs that you’re a ferret owner.”
Consequently, a lot of businesses that have been following content marketing trends chase hyper-specific niches, which only adds to their content management woes. Customers have to deal with too much content in every other aspect of their lives, too. Think of the culture that’s popped up in the past few years around “binge-watching.” It’s no longer enough to simply watch a show you like at your own pace. In order to process all the content needed to stay relevant around the water cooler, people now have a word to describe the ordeal of a multi-hour viewing marathon.
Numerous commentators have pointed out that the current online marketing environment has too much content.
Ideal Lengths For Shorter Content:
In 2014, 87% of marketers use social media channels to get their content to prospective customers. Since web agencies and eBusinesses worldwide are paying good money to compete with puppy GIFs on social media, you can maximize your chances of getting seen with some content marketing best practices. The first of these is which platform prefers long-form content and which platform prefers short-form content? This is something that digital marketing Agencies will be able to help you out with.
Twitter: Ideal Tweet Length Is 100 Characters.
Although 140 characters already seem like too few, less is more. Tweets that are 100 characters or fewer boast a 17% higher engagement rate. The space constraints force content creators to get inventive.
Always remember to stay trendy and responsive on Twitter. The medium rewards those who stay on top of popular hashtags and respond to users in a timely way.
Facebook: Ideal Post Length Is Less Than 40 Characters.
Content marketing strategist Jeff Bullas found that the best B2C Facebook posts are less than 80 characters long. For reference, the preceding sentence was almost 100 characters, which means all you have is one concise sentence to maximize your chances of a click.
For the highest engagement, though, make your post 40 characters or less. When a post is no longer than a headline, engagement jumps from 66% to 86%. Facebook is where businesses have to compete with engagement photos and updates from family members: give your customers just a few words.
When and How to Post Longer Content
Customers will read a lot if the content’s worth it. Courtesy Mike Sall, Medium Data Lab.
Though Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are valuable channels for disseminating your content, substantive, longer posts remain at the heart of content marketing. How do you provide readers and prospective customers with the right amount of longer content, without overwhelming them or overextending yourself?
When creating content, know that more isn’t necessarily better—but write more when the occasion warrants it. A few observations from some of my own most-shared pieces: people like lists, people like seeing new information, and people love free things. If you’re sharing something like this, you can make it long.
First, though, some basics for longer content are in order.
The same rules apply for longer blog posts as for shorter bits for social media. A headline should be concise—between 40 and 80 characters—and give the reader a sense of what they’re in for.
Open with a bold, eye-catching image, and include images in the body to break up the reading. As far as the body text of your post, the website Medium studied its analytics to determine the ideal length for longer content. What Medium found was that the optimal length of a longer post is a 7-minute read or around 1,600 words.
Then how do you get people to keep reading your content for 7 minutes? There are a few things that you need to keep in mind. While the content obviously needs to be of good quality, it also needs to be supplemented by an extremely good web design los angeles. This needs to be done so that users do not feel like giving up on reading the content for a longer period of time.
So what exactly do you mean by website redesign? In order to make sure that your content is something that is able to engage the user, you need to make sure that you use a good mix of images and text on the website.
The second thing you need to do is make sure that the web development languages that are being used are such that it makes scrolling and the ease of using the page better for the user. The final thing is that advertisements that are present on the page should be in the middle of the content. If this happens, it can irritate the reader and make them want to leave your page.
Instead, you need to make sure that the ads are at the side of the page and do not interfere with the content in any way. Once this is ensured, you can rest assured that the reader will want to consume all 7 minutes’ worth of information in front of them.
If you have an evocative, punchy title, appealing images, and something to say, you can expect to captivate readers for 7 minutes. At the end of the day, it is all about creativity and creative agencies can help you get there with your brand messaging. If your digital agency follows these best practices, you can expect continued content marketing success.
Follow the guiding rules of branding companies stay authentic, stay visible, and stay consistent. The rest will follow. Have you found a way to get your content shared that works for you? Let us know in the comments!
Great insights supported with data. A study at BuzzSumo analyzed that longer content (2000+ words) also tended to get more social shares than shorter content.