Does your Brand need to have its own Podcast?

Written by Stephen Moyers
Stephen Moyers

Stephen Moyers

Stephen Moyers has over a decade of experience as a technology consultant and web marketing manager. Since 2010, he has specialized in various technologies, bringing a...

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31 thoughts to “Does your Brand need to have its own Podcast?”

  • This blog is informative and helpful. Thank you for share this blog with us.

    • Glad to hear that. Keep reading.

  • I personally think, podcasts are very important, they keep engages the listerners. It is also a great marketing strategy to make brand mentions. Simply podcasts can change the narrative of people about your product or service or for any cause.

    • Yes, I completely agree with you, Albert. It is real potential for the business to use podcasts and engage customers with a personal touch. Thank you for sharing your valuable thoughts.

  • insightful, Podcasts Enable users to Shift Gears then Earn Audience’s Audio Attention, as Opposed to Their Visual Attention. thanks for sharing

    • Glad you find it insightful. Your opinion is much valued and appreciated.

  • Thank you for sharing your blog, seems to be useful information

    • Glad to hear that.

  • Thanks for the article, it was very interesting to know your opinion, I believe that large media companies should have their own personal podcast where customers would be interested to hear the news about the company.

    • Thank you for appreciating the article. I believe the same. Do you know any large media company having its own personal podcast? Thank you once again.

  • This was a very meaningful post, so informative and encouraging information, Thank you for this post.

    • Glad to hear that. Thank you for your appreciation.

  • Brands can create a conversation and connection with their listeners through their podcasts. There are more aware so they can connect to your brand better. Great Content! I totally agree with you.

  • Your blog was absolutely fantastic! A large amount of great information which is often attractive some and the other way.Thanks.

  • Thanks for sharing the article. It was interesting to learn your perspective I think that big media corporations need to create their own podcast that customers are curious to hear about the latest details about the business.

  • Excellent Blog Post. Highly inspired.

  • Basically, if your brand is new Podcast will help you for online presence and brand awareness.

  • I think it is depending on the brand, nice article btw

  • A primary reason you should consider a “podcast” for your “brand” is it allows you to engage with a captive audience. People who listen to podcasts while “driving” or “cooking” will solely focus on what your podcast has to say. This audience is also primarily one that is averse to advertisements.

  • The more we read the more we learn and blogs are the most efficient ways in today’s time to enhance your learning. They are short and yet provide brief details on the topic. Amazing blog written.

  • I think in this current era with the increase in voice searches its good to have a podcast for your brand. Great article though.

  • Yes, I completely agree with you, Stephen. It’s real potential for the business to use podcasts and engage listeners with an individual touch. Nowadays, it’s a trending method to get people connected through broadcasting.
    Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts, experience, and studies.

    • I’m glad you found the topic interesting and the post logical. Appreciate your comment!

  • Thanks for sharing this informative blog and I agree with you about the importance of podcasts especially in this time and age where everyone is using their phones to listen.

    • You’re welcome! I totally agree. Podcasts are essential in this phone-dominated age. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  • Thank you very much

    • You’re welcome! If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask.

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